
Equivalent functionality in Sugarcube v2

Examples taken from the Sugarcube online documentation

Sugarcube and Moontale have fundamentally different use-cases! This guide is not exhaustive - in particular, it does not cover the DOM, Input, Audio, or utility functions.

Macros and Functions

As a rule, Moontale makes no distinction between a 'macro' and a 'function'. The changer syntax $foo[Text] makes use of foo as a Lua function, and using it in code e.g. {$ x = foo(y) $} is just as valid.


The following syntax is identical in Sugarcube and Moontale:

  • [[Passage]]

  • [[Link -> Target]]

  • [[Target <- Link]]

  • $variable

  • * Unordered lists

  • > Blockquote



<<print $name>>

{$ Show(name) $}

<<= 2 + 3>>

<$ 2 + 3 $>

"""No markup"""

<$ 'No markup' $>



[[Label|Target]] and [[Label][Target]]


[[Go buy milk|Grocery][$bought to "milk"]]

$<<bought = 'milk'; Jump('Grocery') end>>[Go buy milk]

[img[Image][Link]] etc.


Single \


\ text

New line




New line

Note the extra space to force a line break

!Heading 1

# Heading 1

!!Heading 2

## Heading 2


*Emphasis* or _Emphasis_


**Strong** or __Strong__





# Item 1

# Item 2

1. Item 1

1. Item 2



{{{ Code }}}

``` Code ```


--- or ***

Templates, e.g. ?He was always willing to lend ?his ear to anyone.

$Name.myTemplate[$He was always willing to lend $his ear to anyone.]

$With{He = 'She', his = 'her'}[$myTemplate]🚧

/* Comment */

/% Comment %/

<!-- Comment -->

{$--[[ Comment --]]$}

<<capture foo bar>>

{$ local foo = foo; local bar = bar $}

<<run foo()>> and <<script>>foo()<</script>>

{$ foo() $}

(Of course, this is Lua rather than JavaScript)

<<set $gold to 5>>

{$ gold = 5 $}

<<unset $cheese, $gold>>

{$ cheese = nil; gold = nil $}

<<include "Go West">>

[[ ->Go West]]

<< if $cash lt 5>>

$If(cash < 5)[

<<for i, name range $dwarves>>


<<break>> and <<continue>

Not supported in markup - use a script block with a for loop

<<switch $hairColor>>

<<case "black" "brown">>

Dark haired, eh?



$Switch(hairColor) $Case('black', 'brown')[ Dark haired, eh? ]

$Else[ ]🚧

Last updated